Christen Christensen [21383]
Maren Christensdatter [21384]

Christen Christensen [21380]



1. Karen Lauritzdatter [21442]

2. Ane Jensen [21620]

Christen Christensen [21380] 12782

  • Født: 27 Jul. 1817, Ydby, Refs, Thisted, Danmark 12783
  • Dåb: 27 Jul. 1817, Ydby, Refs, Thisted, Danmark
  • Ægteskab (1): Karen Lauritzdatter [21442] den 25 Mar. 1845 i Gettrup, Refs, Thisted, Danmark 12781
  • Ægteskab (2): Ane Jensen [21620] den 17 Nov. 1866 i Fountain Green, Sanpete, Utah, United States
  • Død: 21 Nov. 1899, Gunnison, Sanpete, Utah, United States
  • Begravet: 25 Nov. 1899, Gunnison, Sanpete, Utah, United States

punkttegn  Notater:

Emigrerede i 1866 med hele familien, samt svigerdatteren Ane Katrine Andersen.
Afgang Kobberø : April 1866
Ålborg ankomst 19. april 1966
Afgang Ålborg: 16. maj 1866 med skib til København
Rejste til Hamburg via Kiel
Afgang Hamburg 25.maj 1866 med Kenilworh (Britisk)
Ankomst Ney York 16. july 1866

Ship: 987 tons: 165' x 34' x 24'
Built: 1853 by John Currier at Newburyport, Massachusetts
Sailing from Hamburg on 25 May 1866, the British ship Kenilworth carried on board 684 Mormon passengers. Of this number 583 were Danes, 23 Norwegians, 73 Swedes, and 5 Germans. Elder Samuel L. Sprague presided over the emigrant company. He was assisted by Elders Morten Lund, Fred R. E. Berthelsen, and Ole H. Berg. Under the command of Captain J. Brown the square-rigger arrived at New York on 16 July-a fifty-two-day passage. During the voyage there were twelve deaths, seven marriages, and two births. I
Originally built in America as the Volant, the ship was transferred to British registry in 1864 and renamed Kenilworth. In 1866 her owner was David Jones of Swansea. She was a two-decker with a square stern and a billethead. On 27 August 1877 the Kenilworth was lost in the Strait of Belle Isle.

New York til Wyoming

The group marched through New York City to the East River, where they boarded a large steamship, which took them to New Haven, Connecticut, via the East River and Long Island Sound. They took a train from New Haven through the states of Connecticut, Massachusetts and Vermont.
They arrived in Monreal, Canada, on July 19th. They traveled for two more days along Lake Ontario, boarded a ferry on the St. Clair River, which separated Canada from the State of Michigan in the U.S., and took the ferry to Fort Huron, Michigan.
They then took a train to Chicago, Ill.
On July 24, 1866, they left Chicago, Ill. By train and rode to Quincy, Illinois, which was on the Mississippi River. They continued their journey through Missouri to St. Joseph. On their arrival in St. Joseph they were given only one hour in which to procure provisions for a two day trip on a steamship up the Missouri River to Wyoming, Nebraska. They arrived there on August 11, 1866. They waited two days for their baggage to catch up with them. When it arrived most of it had been broken and was missing. People in the area were still very unfriendly towards Mormons.
They started for Salt Lake Valley on August 13, 1866. They were with the Abner Lowry Company and were the last Pioneer Company to cross the plains that year. The following year (1867) the railroad was completed and opened several hundred miles west.
" On September 27, they were met at the Three Crossings of the Sweetwater, by a Mule train sent by Brigham Young, some 450 miles out, to help bring them in. It was a welcome sight. They finally arrived on October 11, 1866, in Salt Lake City.

Wyoming, Nebraska, Vestbredden af Missouri floden Afgang 13. august 1860 med Abner Lowry Wagon Company
Ankomst Salt Lake City 7 - 22. oktober 1866


punkttegn  Om Christen

1. Folketælling: Thisted, Refs, Gettrup, -, En gaard, 54, FT-1860, D4922.


Christen blev gift med Karen Lauritzdatter [21442] [MRIN: 7599], datter af Lauritz Jeppesen [17856] og Mariane Christine Elisabeth Christensdatter [17857], den 25 Mar. 1845 i Gettrup, Refs, Thisted, Danmark.12781 (Karen Lauritzdatter [21442] blev født den 8 Sep. 1826 i Gettrup, Refs, Thisted, Danmark, dåb den 8 Sep. 1826 i Gettrup, Refs, Thisted, Danmark,12784 døde den 23 Jun. 1866 i Ship Kenilworth, Atlantic Ocean, Enroute to USA og blev begravet den 23 Jun. 1866 i Ship Kenilworth, Atlantic Ocean, Enroute to USA.)

punkttegn  Om Christen og Karen

1. Familie: billede, 1865.


Christen blev derefter gift med Ane Jensen [21620] [MRIN: 7671], datter af Jens Christensen [21902] og Marianne [21903], den 17 Nov. 1866 i Fountain Green, Sanpete, Utah, United States. (Ane Jensen [21620] blev født den 28 Maj 1838 i Voer, Dronninglund, Hjørring, Danmark og døde den 3 Apr. 1914 i Gunnison, Sanpete, Utah, United States.)

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